I'm not going to start on that topic.
It's way too philosophical to be discussed among peers, even if I can find people who truly think on the same level.
It's tough, I know. Too many things to do, too many thoughts to entertain, too many jobs left undone..
Too many, too many, too many.. which leads to procrastination.
What is truly "Tomorrow"? Yet another one of time's paradoxes.
OK, it's just a topic name I thought up on the spot. 12 midnight exactly, and as usual, a sudden urge to key in a blog entry.
And I have to get up by 6:30 am the next day to go to work.
Life's like that, huh? 8 - 5, day in, day out. Period. Weekends, get out, enjoy yourself with whatever company you've taken up with, either your girlfriend / boyfriend / friends / buddy(s) / cat / dog / computer / TV / books / whatever.
Rinse, and repeat.
This smells awful like another one of Time's Paradox.
Work. Can it ever be completed? You finish an assignment / course and presto! There's another!
Sleep. Can anyone ever get enough of sleep? I mean, I could, if you find me a job that lets me sleep 16 hours a day. LOLz...
Yet another grumbling, whining, senseless post..
The first in, erm. 4 months? Heh..
Oh yeah, I just wanna write this in, in case I ever forgets it..
My 19th birthday, on the 4th of December.. was the greatest one I ever had.
Perhaps it has to do with the fact I was, for once, free of any burden. (Last year was a bitch. And it was my 18th birthday at that, too.)
Perhaps it has to do with the fact that, for once, someone finally organised a simple yet satisfying get-together-eat-all-you-can-steamboat-lunch for me and a group of close friends, having a blast enjoying the food, the atmosphere, the company, and of course, the laughter from the jokes that could only be enjoyed among friends.
Perhaps it has to do with the fact that, for once, people acknowledged what I wanted, and gave it to me respectfully.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
But I certainly know the ONE thing / person that made me feel this way: My girlfriend.
I can't thank you enough, dear, for all that you've done for me during my birthday. It's really sweet of you, I enjoyed myself thoroughly, and I'm very touched by the things you've thought of / done for me.
You know how much. ; )
I love you dear.
Alright, time for bed.
Enjoy life whilst it lasts, friends.
For the next would be a vastly different experience.
Welcome to my world. This is my little corner on the World Wide Web, where I rant and whine just about everything under the sun. Don't look really. Emo posts ahead.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
WoW Hardware store music video (music by Wierd Al) world of warcraft
As stated by Google (most likely the author himself) [This is a very funny music video of the hardware store song, Its all "filmed" in WoW and made by Slegg and Maere on Stormrage Eu server.] |
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Number 4.
Introducing Number 4!
The 4th Month.
The 44th Post. (Yeah, this is the 44th post)
The post after a quarter (1/4 ) of a year!
Sorry to keep you guys waiting. ; ) I hope this post doesn't disappoint.
So.. My last post was in June. Time has flown by, collapsed, disintegrated and disappeared in every manner befitting what we call: History.
Sh!t! It's only been 3 months?! It feels so much more like 3 years! How could so many things have taken place so quickly?!
Let's see what I was doing from June to present day:
Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project.
Final Year Common Test in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Got myself a girlfriend.
Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project.
Final Year Final Exams in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Attachment @ Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd.
Ok.. Now i remember. Damn that's sick! How could time pass by so fast just by doing project?
Well memories vague and all.. I forgot the details pertaining to whatever happened in the 3 months that was June '06 - September '06. Refer to above for a summary of my life in that period. Once again, History.
Seriously, I just can't get into writing mode until its something like 4 am in the morning. Don't mind me. I'll be posting more ASAIC (As Soon As I Can).
And here's a "sneak preview" of my girlfriend for those who still haven't met her and are interested to know. (Yes Amy, It's still the sneak preview picture, but, yeah, I'm not ready to release actual pictures yet =) )

Oh yeah, the picture was taken in our project room cubicle. This was how it looked like when we worked on our Final Year Project. (Messy, eh? Wait till you see some of the other team's cubicles.)
The 4th Month.
The 44th Post. (Yeah, this is the 44th post)
The post after a quarter (1/4 ) of a year!
Sorry to keep you guys waiting. ; ) I hope this post doesn't disappoint.
So.. My last post was in June. Time has flown by, collapsed, disintegrated and disappeared in every manner befitting what we call: History.
Sh!t! It's only been 3 months?! It feels so much more like 3 years! How could so many things have taken place so quickly?!
Let's see what I was doing from June to present day:
Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project.
Final Year Common Test in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Got myself a girlfriend.
Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project.
Final Year Final Exams in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Attachment @ Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd.
Ok.. Now i remember. Damn that's sick! How could time pass by so fast just by doing project?
Well memories vague and all.. I forgot the details pertaining to whatever happened in the 3 months that was June '06 - September '06. Refer to above for a summary of my life in that period. Once again, History.
Seriously, I just can't get into writing mode until its something like 4 am in the morning. Don't mind me. I'll be posting more ASAIC (As Soon As I Can).
And here's a "sneak preview" of my girlfriend for those who still haven't met her and are interested to know. (Yes Amy, It's still the sneak preview picture, but, yeah, I'm not ready to release actual pictures yet =) )

Oh yeah, the picture was taken in our project room cubicle. This was how it looked like when we worked on our Final Year Project. (Messy, eh? Wait till you see some of the other team's cubicles.)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
World of Gaycraft
LMAO. This "MTV" delivers.
*For those of you watching from work, be sure to make sure your wear your earpiece or tone down the volume before continuing, but the essence of the video comes from the song.*
Just another one of those "silly realities" that revolves around the World of Warcraft™. =)
Kudos to:
Cranius of Destromath, for the video (US server I believe)
and NeoXan of YouTube for his work of adding subtitles to it.
Visit World of Warcraft for more on the game itself.
*For those of you watching from work, be sure to make sure your wear your earpiece or tone down the volume before continuing, but the essence of the video comes from the song.*
Just another one of those "silly realities" that revolves around the World of Warcraft™. =)
Kudos to:
Cranius of Destromath, for the video (US server I believe)
and NeoXan of YouTube for his work of adding subtitles to it.
Visit World of Warcraft for more on the game itself.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
... Don't understand why, but recently I've been thinking back often..
To the time I was 5.
To the time I was hopping around like a monkey in Rulang Primary.
To the time I was being a dumb 12 years old.
To the time I was enrolled into Hua Yi Secondary.
To the time I was lost.*
To the time I was saved, but lost my faith.
To the time I was unable to understand the world.
To the time I started to dabble in Philosophy.
To the time I was blinded by myself.
To the time I was stumbling along.
To the time I finally evolved.
Today the current me.
Nostagia? ... I don't know.. More like.. I've been reviewing myself and trying to find out where I stand. Looking back, I'm surprised that I managed to come up with a list like that.. Didn't even know that they were there, ghosts of the past just waiting to haunt me.
Now they're back.
The 5 year old kid, who knew nothing of the world, had thought that his father was being selfish going away to another country, threw tantrums wanting to go along. His wish was granted, but caused endless trouble for his father overseas, but yet, his usually bad-tempered father was very patient with him, showering him with love that he never appreciated. The very same kid, who was a tyrant and genius in his neighbourhood nursery, who thought that he was the very best, for there was none who could surpass him...
The monkey, stealing money from his parents, buying nothing but junk from his school bookstore, squandering his parents' blood-earned money without a care in the world, amidst grumbles of having not been given enough "freedom" and "rights". A ne'er-do-well, who didn't give a damn about his teachers and his work, to rebel against an exasperated father who wanted nothing more than for his son to do well. The final straw came when the monkey did something bold, such that no one expected from him: he ran away from school. He thought he was smart, that he would not be caught, but the Hand of Justice doesn't not stray, and neither does his father's whipping. The monkey cried about his plight, but had he taken his eyes away from his raw behind, he might have noticed the tears welling up in his father's eyes...
The dumb kid, hanging out with bad company, had the intellect of a stone. But yet as always, he presumed himself smart, and went around doing things which was in fact, stupid, but drawing people's attention the way a clown would. A flower fell in love with the clown, and the clown in love with the flower, but their "love" was not to be...
The new student, emerging from a playground into the cold, dark morning assemblies of a Secondary School, found himself daunted by the number of "smart" people he found around himself. He was shocked; he never expected others to be better, but yet they existed, right beside him. Shocked into fright and shamed into flight, the new student kept to himself, opening up only to his old friends. Never was he to expect that he was no longer welcome amongst those he has once called "friend"...
*The lost one, losing his light, his love and his friends, returned to his home with his troubles. Rejecting his family, instead of embracing them, he started to hate the world, and everyone in general. He hated being in the light, with his heart torn by his love, "rejected" by his family and outcast by his friends, he began to cry...
The one who lost faith despite being saved, realised that the world was a cold and empty place. There was no one he could depend on, no one he could trust. But yet he was saved, for he finally understood his purpose in the world: that he had to go on, to ensure that none would suffer the way he did. There were those who disregarded him, there were those who kept away from him, but there were also those who came to him and took him in as their brother. And there was one special one, who was suffering the same fate that he did. He tried to ease his pain, to end his torment, but quickly found out that it was all for naught...
The confused kid, unable to save his friend, had to let go, for he was beyond control, and would no longer listen to advice. Once again, he falters, unsure if his choice in life was the correct one. Then one day, enlightenment came to him in a channel that was unexpected: his entertainment. Never in his wildest dreams did the confused kid expect that the answers he seeked was found in the very place that he enjoyed the most: his games.
The Philosopher, found out that there were no "truths" to the world, that there was only Philosophy and one's ideals and beliefs that shaped the world the way it is today. He dabbled further into it, losing his sanity along the way, but was contained well enough that no one suspected anything...
The blind one, unable to see nor comprehend things, was utterly insane. He no longer knew right from wrong, and no longer differentiate logic from sophistry. Time went by, and the Dark One was born, a foul creature of madness and destruction. He hated the light, and went into hiding, for the day to once again emerge, to bring death and destruction to all things...
The hobbled youth, finally obtaining his freedom, no longer saw the world the way he did years before. It had changed before his very eyes, turning into something that encompasses all of the negativity that could be thought of. To survive, one would have to be a hardened veteran, or perish along like the others, never to be thought of as human, just a cog in the gearbox known as society...
The evolver, desperate to seek solutions and skills that would enable him to survive, started going full out. Whether it was family, friends, work or school, he was able to absorb knowledge and skills, keeping them for future use, where it may be deployed as necessary. It gave him two things: a cold-blooded streak and a vision: his purpose in the world.
The current me? I am.. well, me! What can I say about myself now? =D Step by step, we walk towards the future, never knowing what will happen in the 'morrow.
"Yesterday is the Past, the Future is a Mystery, Today is a gift, that is why we call it the Present." *no idea if I got the quote correct, but, the meaning is there*
*It's weird.. its almost as though I never existed in that one year during which I was "lost". I couldn't even recall memories from that period, except from snippets here and there.. like the way amnesia patients describe the way they recall their memories..
Why do I ALWAYS make blog entries during unearthly hours?!
To the time I was 5.
To the time I was hopping around like a monkey in Rulang Primary.
To the time I was being a dumb 12 years old.
To the time I was enrolled into Hua Yi Secondary.
To the time I was lost.*
To the time I was saved, but lost my faith.
To the time I was unable to understand the world.
To the time I started to dabble in Philosophy.
To the time I was blinded by myself.
To the time I was stumbling along.
To the time I finally evolved.
Today the current me.
Nostagia? ... I don't know.. More like.. I've been reviewing myself and trying to find out where I stand. Looking back, I'm surprised that I managed to come up with a list like that.. Didn't even know that they were there, ghosts of the past just waiting to haunt me.
Now they're back.
The 5 year old kid, who knew nothing of the world, had thought that his father was being selfish going away to another country, threw tantrums wanting to go along. His wish was granted, but caused endless trouble for his father overseas, but yet, his usually bad-tempered father was very patient with him, showering him with love that he never appreciated. The very same kid, who was a tyrant and genius in his neighbourhood nursery, who thought that he was the very best, for there was none who could surpass him...
The monkey, stealing money from his parents, buying nothing but junk from his school bookstore, squandering his parents' blood-earned money without a care in the world, amidst grumbles of having not been given enough "freedom" and "rights". A ne'er-do-well, who didn't give a damn about his teachers and his work, to rebel against an exasperated father who wanted nothing more than for his son to do well. The final straw came when the monkey did something bold, such that no one expected from him: he ran away from school. He thought he was smart, that he would not be caught, but the Hand of Justice doesn't not stray, and neither does his father's whipping. The monkey cried about his plight, but had he taken his eyes away from his raw behind, he might have noticed the tears welling up in his father's eyes...
The dumb kid, hanging out with bad company, had the intellect of a stone. But yet as always, he presumed himself smart, and went around doing things which was in fact, stupid, but drawing people's attention the way a clown would. A flower fell in love with the clown, and the clown in love with the flower, but their "love" was not to be...
The new student, emerging from a playground into the cold, dark morning assemblies of a Secondary School, found himself daunted by the number of "smart" people he found around himself. He was shocked; he never expected others to be better, but yet they existed, right beside him. Shocked into fright and shamed into flight, the new student kept to himself, opening up only to his old friends. Never was he to expect that he was no longer welcome amongst those he has once called "friend"...
*The lost one, losing his light, his love and his friends, returned to his home with his troubles. Rejecting his family, instead of embracing them, he started to hate the world, and everyone in general. He hated being in the light, with his heart torn by his love, "rejected" by his family and outcast by his friends, he began to cry...
The one who lost faith despite being saved, realised that the world was a cold and empty place. There was no one he could depend on, no one he could trust. But yet he was saved, for he finally understood his purpose in the world: that he had to go on, to ensure that none would suffer the way he did. There were those who disregarded him, there were those who kept away from him, but there were also those who came to him and took him in as their brother. And there was one special one, who was suffering the same fate that he did. He tried to ease his pain, to end his torment, but quickly found out that it was all for naught...
The confused kid, unable to save his friend, had to let go, for he was beyond control, and would no longer listen to advice. Once again, he falters, unsure if his choice in life was the correct one. Then one day, enlightenment came to him in a channel that was unexpected: his entertainment. Never in his wildest dreams did the confused kid expect that the answers he seeked was found in the very place that he enjoyed the most: his games.
The Philosopher, found out that there were no "truths" to the world, that there was only Philosophy and one's ideals and beliefs that shaped the world the way it is today. He dabbled further into it, losing his sanity along the way, but was contained well enough that no one suspected anything...
The blind one, unable to see nor comprehend things, was utterly insane. He no longer knew right from wrong, and no longer differentiate logic from sophistry. Time went by, and the Dark One was born, a foul creature of madness and destruction. He hated the light, and went into hiding, for the day to once again emerge, to bring death and destruction to all things...
The hobbled youth, finally obtaining his freedom, no longer saw the world the way he did years before. It had changed before his very eyes, turning into something that encompasses all of the negativity that could be thought of. To survive, one would have to be a hardened veteran, or perish along like the others, never to be thought of as human, just a cog in the gearbox known as society...
The evolver, desperate to seek solutions and skills that would enable him to survive, started going full out. Whether it was family, friends, work or school, he was able to absorb knowledge and skills, keeping them for future use, where it may be deployed as necessary. It gave him two things: a cold-blooded streak and a vision: his purpose in the world.
The current me? I am.. well, me! What can I say about myself now? =D Step by step, we walk towards the future, never knowing what will happen in the 'morrow.
"Yesterday is the Past, the Future is a Mystery, Today is a gift, that is why we call it the Present." *no idea if I got the quote correct, but, the meaning is there*
*It's weird.. its almost as though I never existed in that one year during which I was "lost". I couldn't even recall memories from that period, except from snippets here and there.. like the way amnesia patients describe the way they recall their memories..
Why do I ALWAYS make blog entries during unearthly hours?!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Filthy Ads.
Yeah, kinda late to talk about it.. but hey, talk is cheap!
My friends told me about pop-ups that they were receiving when they visited my blog.. and liked to tease me about those "Adult Friend Finder" ads that they find. *they suspected that I surfed porn, and... I can't lie =X they aren't so far off from the truth*
BUT NO~~!!! They didn't come from the porn stuff! Honest! *omg?! what am i saying?!*
Sometime back (a couple of months, to be exact), one of my CCA club juniors told me about adding ads to my blog to earn money.. I don't particularly trust thost "ad payments", but have seen enough websites using them to earn money to believe that, yes, they do help to earn money..
But we all agree that they're damn annoying. Especially when you click wrong.
Trojans, spywares, adwares, viruses.. mal-ware in general. What's wrong with people's friggin' minds nowadays? Is it that fun to make people's lives miserable?
*Hmm. Actually it is fun. Opps.*
I can't take this anymore... so much to do and so little time to do it.. No sleep.. No play.. No fun...
Noooooo~~!!!!!! Energy..... running........ ou....t...........
Argh?! When will this end?!?!??!! No more projects please!!! HELP!!!
My friends told me about pop-ups that they were receiving when they visited my blog.. and liked to tease me about those "Adult Friend Finder" ads that they find. *they suspected that I surfed porn, and... I can't lie =X they aren't so far off from the truth*
BUT NO~~!!! They didn't come from the porn stuff! Honest! *omg?! what am i saying?!*
Sometime back (a couple of months, to be exact), one of my CCA club juniors told me about adding ads to my blog to earn money.. I don't particularly trust thost "ad payments", but have seen enough websites using them to earn money to believe that, yes, they do help to earn money..
But we all agree that they're damn annoying. Especially when you click wrong.
Trojans, spywares, adwares, viruses.. mal-ware in general. What's wrong with people's friggin' minds nowadays? Is it that fun to make people's lives miserable?
*Hmm. Actually it is fun. Opps.*
I can't take this anymore... so much to do and so little time to do it.. No sleep.. No play.. No fun...
Noooooo~~!!!!!! Energy..... running........ ou....t...........
Argh?! When will this end?!?!??!! No more projects please!!! HELP!!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Gomu Gomu no One Piece!
Enjoy! *After such long silence*
Let me know if you want the Mp3 version (the original song by the band is not out yet, gotta wait!)
Let me know if you want the Mp3 version (the original song by the band is not out yet, gotta wait!)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Hmmz. 3 months. And a couple of weeks.
Seems like nothing, I mean, comparing 3 months with a person's lifetime of erm, 80 years? Is like.. 0.003 of a person's lifetime.
Yet 0.003 is enough for me to gain more experience and knowledge than what I have learnt in the 18 years before that minor 0.003 period.
Extreme? I guess it just proves my point time and again.
I hate it when I'm right.
Sometimes, when I look at the way the people around me work and think, I can't help but laugh. It's really weird, cause.. I dunno if they're trying to act dumb, or they are REALLY that dumb. I mean, hey, it's stupid, so why do it? Yet they still do, and after getting hurt/burnt by their experience, they NEVER learn and continue on their path to doomsday.
Humanity at its best huh?
I'd love to write somemore (heck, itchy typing fingers @ 4 am in the mornings is a bitch) but, its not normal to be blogging 1000-word essay posts during unearthly hours. o.O That's meant for the ole' Count D.
Anyways I'm just damn glad that the Light has moved on and the new chapter unfolds. Yet again.
Soon I shall take my test,
In a shelter of rest.
Woe to the Defiant,
For they will burn in the Trial.
Seems like nothing, I mean, comparing 3 months with a person's lifetime of erm, 80 years? Is like.. 0.003 of a person's lifetime.
Yet 0.003 is enough for me to gain more experience and knowledge than what I have learnt in the 18 years before that minor 0.003 period.
Extreme? I guess it just proves my point time and again.
I hate it when I'm right.
Sometimes, when I look at the way the people around me work and think, I can't help but laugh. It's really weird, cause.. I dunno if they're trying to act dumb, or they are REALLY that dumb. I mean, hey, it's stupid, so why do it? Yet they still do, and after getting hurt/burnt by their experience, they NEVER learn and continue on their path to doomsday.
Humanity at its best huh?
I'd love to write somemore (heck, itchy typing fingers @ 4 am in the mornings is a bitch) but, its not normal to be blogging 1000-word essay posts during unearthly hours. o.O That's meant for the ole' Count D.
Anyways I'm just damn glad that the Light has moved on and the new chapter unfolds. Yet again.
Soon I shall take my test,
In a shelter of rest.
Woe to the Defiant,
For they will burn in the Trial.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Opps. Long time no post. Haha.
Anywayz those of you who do pop in here to take a look, you might notice it feels alittle.. different. *Finally got the template tweaking done =P*
Anywayz here's a video for you guys to enjoy:
=P Gamers should know what it is. Get it for your PS2!
Anywayz those of you who do pop in here to take a look, you might notice it feels alittle.. different. *Finally got the template tweaking done =P*
Anywayz here's a video for you guys to enjoy:
=P Gamers should know what it is. Get it for your PS2!
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