Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell 2012

It's the end of 2012. A year of events, major life milestones, and friendships.
Every time I look back, every year feels shittier than the one before.
Perhaps it's just me. Perhaps I'm just grouching. Perhaps it's all true and I just forget the shit that happens.

Now, I feel at peace. For the longest time ever in my life, peace.
Doesn't mean that my problems are solved or gone. It's just then I've found my inner peace.
Come what may. I think I've decided already. There is no point in struggling when it results in nothing.

I'll just live by the lifehack I've found. I'm gonna refuse to work for what I want from now on.
Fate, it seems, enjoys making a slapstick comedy outta me. Hence I shall let it have its fun.
From now on, I'm gonna enjoy life as it is. No point trying to work for what I want when it gets denied constantly. To add insult to the injury, things which I don't wish for, comes easily to me.

Which makes others jealous, which makes them puzzle why do I continue to grouch despite all that I have.

Well, no one understands me. And I guess this will be the way it shall be till I'm nailed into my wooden bed. Seeing how December 21th was a hoax (not necessarily, but at least the world didn't end immediately), I guess I'm gonna have to start looking forward to a lifetime's worth of shit to endure.

Take care folks. This blog will become quite the hellhole for negativity. I hope there comes a day when I will let this blog lie obsolete while I channel my energy in starting a new one, using my grievances and suffering as inspiration and energy for the works which I've always wanted to begin and complete.

Good-bye 2012. I hope that from the next year on, everything changes.


To anyone who stumbles across this blog or follows it.. and knows the author, I just wish to say this:

Please take the contents of this blog with a pinch of salt. Or heapfuls of it.

This blog is meant to be the darkest recesses of my soul, to contain the rage and sorrows that would otherwise come to bear on those I love. Already I am failing, without this, I dare not face the people in my life. Please don't take everything at face value and think badly of me. =) If you do, truly, you are a fool.

And once again, please do not assume to think that my posts are direct copies of my experiences. I've coloured them and rewrote them in ways that only I will understand. To assume and think that all I've written here is the truth is to be a fool.

Take care in 2013! =)
