The 4th Month.
The 44th Post. (Yeah, this is the 44th post)
The post after a quarter (1/4 ) of a year!
Sorry to keep you guys waiting. ; ) I hope this post doesn't disappoint.
So.. My last post was in June. Time has flown by, collapsed, disintegrated and disappeared in every manner befitting what we call: History.
Sh!t! It's only been 3 months?! It feels so much more like 3 years! How could so many things have taken place so quickly?!
Let's see what I was doing from June to present day:
Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project.
Final Year Common Test in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Got myself a girlfriend.
Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project. Project.
Final Year Final Exams in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Attachment @ Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd.
Ok.. Now i remember. Damn that's sick! How could time pass by so fast just by doing project?
Well memories vague and all.. I forgot the details pertaining to whatever happened in the 3 months that was June '06 - September '06. Refer to above for a summary of my life in that period. Once again, History.
Seriously, I just can't get into writing mode until its something like 4 am in the morning. Don't mind me. I'll be posting more ASAIC (As Soon As I Can).
And here's a "sneak preview" of my girlfriend for those who still haven't met her and are interested to know. (Yes Amy, It's still the sneak preview picture, but, yeah, I'm not ready to release actual pictures yet =) )

Oh yeah, the picture was taken in our project room cubicle. This was how it looked like when we worked on our Final Year Project. (Messy, eh? Wait till you see some of the other team's cubicles.)