The name brings back unbelievable memories. This song. I fell in love with it the moment I heard it play. Hearing it now makes me want to tear up.
Scrolling my cursor down, I saw a Youtube user's comment:

Although I never experienced the same warmth of having met and made friends online, I understood how he felt when I quit RO as well. All the memories, the cheers, laughs, excitement and frustrations.. You can never believe how much this game meant to me.
Games, as well as books, anime, and manga, were the source of my soul's salvation, my escape from reality. Certainly, it made me an "otaku", so what? At least I'm living with a source of comfort, however meagre.
When I learnt of RO2's final release as an OBT (Open Beta Test), I was overjoyed. I kept myself up through the night knowing I needed my sleep for work the next day, but screw that. RO came first.
The login screen. I was filled with trepidation as I went through the motions of logging into a game that I had been waiting forever for. But I was disappointed.
True it is an OBT, but the game was so unpolished and had so many bugs and issues and translation fails that it totally boggles my mind. How can anyone fail that bad? WTF? Don't you guys have the money to hire people with proper English? I had to admit, the first few hours/levels of gameplay was awesome for me. But it was a totally different game now, one which had lost the flavour that was RO.
I have so much I wish to talk about this but I know I need my sleep. Another day perhaps, I'll continue my story.