Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I wonder.. So many times for so many things.. How life would be like if we were all a little more honest with ourselves.

Being honest with our feelings..
Being honest with what we want..
Being honest with who we care about..
Being honest to those that matters..

Honesty.. is marvelous. Nothing feels better being honest, having to say, do and feel the things we actually do. But yet, it's something that most of us are unable to attain. We chose to lie about the things that matter to us, we chose to lie to hide our feelings, we chose to lie to protect ourselves..

Why oh why do we continue to live our lives as lies?

I wish I could go back in time and undo all that I have lied about, gaining back all that I have denied myself.

How I wish I could live with a little less regret. Regrets for what could have been, may have been, and might not be.

Perhaps one day.. I will tell the truth about everything I have chosen to lie about or hide. Perhaps then.. will I experience the freedom I have always been seeking.


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