Monday, February 21, 2011


It was on the 20th of November, 2010 when we both went past the point of no return.

It was exactly 4 months later, 20th of February, 2011, that we both acknowledged that we have gone past the point of no return.

It's things like these that makes me believe that there is a higher power moving us along our predestined paths.

And as foolish and superficial and superstitious as I may sound, I truly, really, believe in it.

Let destiny guide us each to our destinations.

Perhaps you may be right, that we may end up crossing paths one day and regretting the choices we made today.
Perhaps we may end up together again, and go along as what we were destined to be once before.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

All I can say is, the future is uncertain. Miracles can and will happen. We'll never know.

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