Monday, April 04, 2011


Yay~! 3 hours left to wake up and prepare to go to work! Here I am wasting time blogging! Lolz!

Just completed my 4th logbook entry for my 7th and 8th week of Internship @ REC Singapore. What a mess. My NTU mentor is going to visit on Tuesday and I have yet to inform my supervisor/mentor in REC.

Yikes. I wonder how she's gonna react when I tell her.. Opps. Craptastic. Didn't help the fact that I had to take MC last friday due to being unable to wake up. No point going to work after that cause:
(A) That means a hefty cab ride of ~$40 to get to work, which essentially covers my entire day's worth of pay, thus pointless in going
(B) By the time I reach office I'm SUPER late. Doesn't matter anyway.

It's just that it's starting to look ugly due to fact that I seem to be taking MC's on Mondays/Fridays often, looking like I'm trying to milk long weekends all the time (its all a coincidence man! Damnit.. =/ Lolz.).


Yet another week of slogging. Been running on 3-4 hours of sleep for my weekdays almost every other day! No wonder my memory's gone to shit since last year December. Haven't been sleeping well at all..

*Except for the nights that I spent at your house*

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