Friday, April 08, 2011


散场的拥抱 by 倪安東

Enjoy. =P

What am I supposed to say? Being mistaken for my words, when the intended person whom my words are for is wrongly assumed.

Please. As long as that I do not place a name to my words, don't be so sure that it refers to him/her/you.

I might simply be referring to myself.

Good night folks. The end of the world draws near: (Ignore the "wasn't so hard to google was it" comment) ;-)

Everytime you misunderstand my words, my heart breaks alittle.
Everytime you misassume my intentions, my heart aches alittle.
Everytime you accuse me wrongfully of things I've never done, I tear alittle.
Everytime you think I no longer love you.. I died alittle.

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