
Welcome to my world. This is my little corner on the World Wide Web, where I rant and whine just about everything under the sun. Don't look really. Emo posts ahead.
Here we go. The post of May.
Time is a funny thing. (Can time even be considered a "thing"?) It goes fast when we least wishes it to be, and slows to a crawl when we hope for it to speed up. Why?
May certainly went past like a snail.. And I have most certainly been infected by the lethargy.. I was surprised when I asked myself on multiple occasions, "Am I supposed to blog again?" (Like, I'm making this a monthly thing, lolz =D). And yet when June came to replace May, swoosh! Opps! It's already the 3rd of June! (OK, 3 days into the month. What's with the fuss?)
The problem is: 2 weeks of the new semester has yet to pass us by, but I'm already feeling the exhaustion I experience whenever a semester nears its end.
"I have a bad feeling about this."
May was pretty hectic.
So. Let us review my "May's itinerary" first. =D
1) Astro training camp. Ah. Being a Logistic is SO much fun.
2) The Return of Teh dudes! Oh well.. nothing much to say there. And yeah, like I predicted.. apparently there were some.. conflicts that arose when they were overseas.. though it's over now.. =X
3) Ah. The ever-pretty presentation. I'm scheduled for a "rehearsal" later today. *Sleep time, pals!*
4) Ah-ha! My good ol' sista's exams. *Sigh* I hate being right. Sometimes. Her results? 2 "Just-passed" and 5 "Ungraded" (A.K.A Fail).Oh well.
Alright. Let's do this the "right" way.. From the beginning of May, we shall begin.
First up, the AF training camp. Being a logistic (or "log" for short), I was there being a "log". Literally. Staring at the computer screen, workingon my presentation during the day and practising the use of telescopes at night. (Not much to practise, given that the skies were filled with clouds)The first night had barely went by when I already felt the full impact of being a "log".
The other following days were better.
It rained on the second day. What better weather to have for a camp? =D We ended up doing indoor stuff (the logs at the computers. the GL's painting banners) until evening time. That's when the games started. (You know, camp games.)
At least they helped to pass the time. (And generate fun and laughter in the process)
The third day was.. really slack. Everyone was.. lethargic. It was as thoughno one wanted to do anything. I remembered having spent the day watching documentaries, touching up on my presentation and playing games.(Hey, it IS a computer.. =D)
The third night was.. nice. We were finally granted a "clear sky", and for the first time in my life (18 years!!!), I finally saw Scorpio (along with some other constellations) with my own eyes.
*A meteor shower was scheduled for that night. Alas, everyone was too tired to wait for the meteor shower, so we had to give that a miss. A pity.*
18 years. Astronomers, stay away from Singapore. It's a nightmare. (OK, I admit that I was never interested in Astronomy before this =X)
And on the fourth day, "It was a bright and sunny day. My friends and I ... " Opps. Primary school composition writing habits. =D Sorry. that's redo that, shall we?
And on the fourth day, I awoke to find zombies waking up and walking around.
It was ghastly.
We attempted to do solar observation (looking at the sun through the telescopes, with the aid of a solar filter, of course), given that it was late afternoon and the sky looked real bright and sunny.
As usual, if things worked out perfectly, either you were having a good day, or something's terribly wrong.
Good ol' Grandpa Sunny decided to be shy on that day. Don't need to say more.
We breakfast-ed, packed up, slacked around, lunch-ed and finally, camp was over.
Went home and slept like a log for 24 hours.
Life continued as usual.. And 10th of May approaches.
Why 10th of May? Because that's the day my classmates went to school to fold paper cranes, shurikens, etc. (Origami!)
For 6 hours. During which they were supposed to complete and submit 6 theory papers of different subjects (Ok, all engineering subjects, so maybe you could consider them to be "the same").
6 hours. Thankfully I decided to give the exams a pass.
The class, as usual, with their "spirit of unity" decided to something "united". So, we held a chalet on the day after the exams. I was told that we were to go to the chalet at our "own time own target". And so I did, late in the evening, alone, carrying 2 sacks of charcoal weighing 8 kg each. Not the mention the backpack on my back. (OK, the bag was light)
*I'm beginning to notice a trend here. Seems to me like I'm the one carrying the charcoal whenever I attend a chalet. o.O*
The first night was boring. What I did then was, play cards, watch TV, until midnight. Some of us were feeling hungry then, so we decided to go out looking for food. First stop, we went to Downtown East, as there's a 24-hours Cheers convenience store there.
We found it dark and locked up tight.
*For you guys' info, Cheers at Downtown East is open for 24-hours during Public Holidays, School Holidays and the weekends.*
High in spirits and letting nothing deter us, we moved on, for someone mentioned that White Sands (a shopping mall, 15-minutes walk away) would have a convenience store open.
We were fooled. There was never a convenience store at White Sands.
In the end, we went to a nearby fishing farm and bought instant noodles and bread to satiate our hunger. With a belly full of warm food, we were preparing to head back to our unit, when a roar of thunder annnounced Nature's wrath. A gush of wind tore at us, and the looming clouds overhead threatened to leave us soaked to the bones.
We "ran". However, we had to stop and wait under a shelter as the rain unleashed its fury. We played some lame games while waiting for the rain to let up, and when it finally did, it was dawn. Some of the guys were tired, so they decided to catch some sleep, taking up the beds. The rest of us "energetic" guys went back to playing card games. And so time went by until it was the morning of the second day..
The second day. Having not slept a wink (I never get to sleep during chalets), I gathered those who shared my fate (and those who were hungry) for a trip down to Downtown East for a MacDonald breakfast. When it was noon, we went to Wild Wild Wet (A water theme park).Watching my classmates play, I felt like I was watching primary school kids at a playground. =D
That activity took up most of the day, and at evening time we went back to our unit to prepare the BBQ. When it was officially night-time, our "Guests-of-Honour" arrived.
They were:
Mr Leung Nan Bun - AEL lecturer, Class Advisor, WSS co-ordinator.
Mrs Peh Lian Huay - ACCA lecturer.
Mr Tan Khee Peng - PDP lecturer, TSO, WSS practical trainer.
*Mr Tan came with his entire family (His wife, two daughters and a baby. I forgot the baby's gender.)*
Time flew. Soon it was after mid-night and everyone was tired. Others than an incident with cockroaches, the night went by uneventfully, and soon, everyone fell asleep (Not enough beds, so some slept on the floor, on chairs, etc..)
The next day, we packed, and left. End of chalet.
*Kinda boring, now that I think of it. Hmm..*
Alright.. that about wraps up the first half of May.. I'll continue that another day when I'm free.. it's 2 am and I'm supposed to wake up at 7..
ZZzzzZzz And why the hell is my blog interface in Chinese?!?!?!?!