Saturday, January 15, 2005

Yet another late night post..

Ok.. it's not that late usually.. but it IS exceptionally late today.. though I don't understand how is it that i managed to catch enough sleep to manage my study life.. Hmm..

Bummer =X

How I wish that we would get more hours a day. Or even better, we need less sleep. Heck.. just recently there was a newspaper article about how employees can perform better by just getting a couple hour's worth of "power napping".. Of which I couldn't agree more.. except one thing: Who the hell in the world would have enough sense to wake up after an hour of napping, just to get back to work? Maybe with the exception of getting fired by your boss for "over-sleeping" your "allocated sleep time".


What the hell.. might as well make it simple.. Make work shorter!!! Make everyone work 6 hour days! 5 days a week! And keep the same pay for that matter! Yay! Bleh.. if that ever happens, maybe the sky will fall..

It never ceases to amaze me how people can actually get on with their lives by working and working, and despite their complaints they never seem to actually mind.. So I take it that it's a stress-relieving method? Whine to someone your problems?

Actually.. That works. It's been proven anyways.. Heh. =D

I can understand the few reasons why people do what they do when they work. For example, some people wish to push their careers to a higher level, others wish for satisfaction from their daily work, most just wish to make the required amount of cash to feed their families, and the few others are doing it for their passion.

Okay. So, what about guys like me who have no darn passion for any damned thing?

I ain't seeking a career (but of course, given the opportunity, who wouldn't? Higher pay is all part-and-parcel of a good career =D), I don't care about getting satisfaction from my job (Heck! It IS a job afterall, isn't it? That's why they call it JOBS and pay people to do it, don't they?), although I would agree finding your job satisfactory would make working that much more enjoyable.. Being a student like me, I have no darned family, heh.. Maybe with the exception of my parents.. and maybe in the future a girlfriend.. But who's to say? =X

Which brings me back to square one. Anyone out there know of jobs which requires someone to do, and if possible, one that allows for slacking (Afterall.. I am quite the slacker..)?

Stupid question. Who wouldn't want a job like that?

Okay, maybe some of you dudes out there who wants a career, or have a passion for a "certain something" (whatever the heck that may be) or just some (in my opinion) crazy fella who wishes for challenge in his/her job. Ya know what? I know of a couple of the most challenging jobs on earth, and i shall name one: The Toilet Cleaner.

Heck, I ain't joking.

I mean, we always overlooking these elderly workers (NOTE: ELDERLY!!!) who should be enjoying their lives while their children take care of them (or depend on their savings). Why is it that hardest? It's easy: I'm sure many of you dudes have entered a public toilet, and whether or not you just wanna take a quick pee, wash your hands, or even have a big "business" with the bowl, you must have seen some "ungainly, obscene and appetite-killing" erm, images in the toilets. And erm, if you happened to enter the same toilet the next day (maybe the work place or a place you frequent often), and you found it clean, who do ya think cleaned up that shit back there? Yeah. THAT elderly cleaner.

So.. I don't think I should go on further.. but if anyone here happens across my blog and actually took the time to read it.. How about considering what you leave behind in the toilet when you use it? Would actually flushing the toilets, aiming correctly, cleaning up after yourself and leaving the toilet dry be THAT difficult? I think not. Think about the work these workers have to put in while you high-and-mighty degree-holders enjoy the services of a clean and sanitary wash room? Just image how pissed you would get if you had to clean up after grown-up adults who can't seem to aim. =X Or if that's difficult to image, think about cleaning up after a bunch of inconsiderate dudes who dirtied your toilet (think extreme ;-) ).

Tough job, eh?

If you would scorn at them, try doing their jobs instead. Then try to scorn them after. If you can.

So, think for other people. Be alittle less selfish. Make it a habit and eventually you'll suddenly find yourself with a heck of alot more friends. And if you don't wanna have friends (for some reason or another), it'll make you feel better.

Afterall, we humans pride ourselves on being the "only species" that can work together harmoniously and as a society, right? (Which isn't true, what with the wars, weapons of mass destruction, deterence armies, blah, blah, blah..)

And I'm Asian. I live in Singapore. Ya know? That "Clean and Green little island" in South-East Asia? On the tip of the Malaya Peninsula? Or heck. Or as the former Prime Minister of Malaysia said: "A small dot on the map of the world". I disagree. It ain't even a dot. And it ain't an insult. 'Cause we're small, but we get things done. Unlike some other "BIG" countries who can't even do crap. No names here haha.

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