Sunday, October 17, 2010


"A man will do to you what he will do for you."

A epic statement that is irrefutable. Anyone that disagrees, is lying.

Should a man give up his current partner for another, what's to stop him from giving up the new partner for another in the future? He has already done so before hasn't he? What makes you think that he would not repeat his action?

After all, humans are creatures of habit. It has been proven time and again, and is an indirect result of history's cycles (repeated cause and effects).

Relationships: One of life's greatest head/heart-aches. As we embark on our search for the true one, we face many obstacles, false-steps and lead-believes. Much more often than not, we become attached to the ones we do not wish to be with, but stay on for the sake of convenience/circumstances.

For the singles: it is morally wrong to break up those already in a relationship, for society deems it wrong and unjust to break up those that are officially declared to be together.

For the attached: it is morally wrong to break up with the one you have official declared as your partner for one whom you deem to be more suitable.

However, is it truly wrong to be able to choose the one we really want to spend the rest of our lives with? That is the barest and most basic of our instincts; to choose a mate who will provide for our needs.

But yet, due to selfish reasons, we want to keep the one that is deemed to be the most ideal partner to ourselves. It would be fine if it was mutual, but what if it is not, as most cases seems to be?

The search goes on, as does the dilemma and choices of betrayal and hurt that is omnipresent in relationship issues.

Love has been, and will always be ironic; for the moment you attain true love, you learn to let go. But yet if one lets go, whence is the love?

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