Friday, October 01, 2010

Dusting Off

Oh yeah~

It's 4.15 AM in the morning.

soulbalance.blogspot is back in business! Its been nearly 4 years since my last entry in this little place on the World Wide Web. Approximately 3 years and 9 months, to be exact.

It's amazing how much a person can change in 4 years. The difference in perspective is so great that, it felt like a different me wrote in this blog back then.



Let's see now. December 2006 to Present Day.. what has happened thus far?

1) Graduation from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in April 2007 (I think? fail-memory for the lose)

2) Enslaved for 1 year 10 months starting from July 2007 till May 2009.

3) Enrolled into Nanyang Technological University in July 2009.

4) Waiting for Graduation (or End of the World~!) sometime in 2012.

Looking at the list, I guess the highlight for the 4 years was the time taken away from me during my enslavement period. Stories to tell though. Look forward to it. =)

I'll probably come back here pretty often. Been looking for an outlet for my thoughts, and Facebook is just simply too public (and shallow) a venue for that.

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