I need a perk and coffee's not the answer.
It was only a couple of days back when my friend suddenly had an allergy attack. We were having dinner when she started sniffling and all of a sudden she just started tearing. After cleaning up in the washroom she went back to normal like 20 minutes later, but it was enough to scare the crap outta me.
I thought it was the food or something. Apparently its not.
She told me that it wasn't exactly the first time it happened.. and after chatting about it for a bit we realized a pattern emerged: it happened when she went on a streak of having not enough sleep.
Now as we all know very well, allergy attacks CAN cause death. Never take it as something light. With the recent cases of SDS (Sudden Death Syndrome) where healthy (sometimes young) people just fall over and die for no particular reason, it is starting to become a concern. With the advent of MMORPGs (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games), death by exhaustion is also another cause for concern. People just don't rest and suddenly, they just stop moving and had to be buried 6 feet under.
Nowadays, the convenient way is to cremate (saves land space, too!), but I digress.
Hence, get your sleep people. Don't forsake it thinking its nothing. Not having enough sleep will start to cause the body to break down because it simply isn't getting its deserved maintenance hours. (What, you expect your body to keep working and never need repairs or fail?)
It's a weird feeling when you feel that somehow, you can feel your lifespan getting shorter or that "Hmm. I don't think I'm gonna be living a long life". Maybe its a sign of getting old.
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