Friday, October 15, 2010


Its 4 am.

Its always at this time that my mind just seems to clear up and words just flow. Concentration seems to be much better at this hour as well.


Time has always been a funny concept to me. Its inception as the 4th Dimension in my mind has allowed me to view time in a different perspective.

Being 3-dimensional creatures, the very concept of a 4th is extremely hard for us to grasp. How can a dot know about the possibility of an extension that is 2D? How could a line know about the Z-direction?

How can a human know about the 4th dimension and its underlying powers that is Time?

We've always been amazed by the Past, Present and the Future. For we have no control over this roller-coaster ride that everyone embarks on the moment they took their first breath. We just keep rolling, day after day, until the day we die and leave behind our legacy. With our primitive minds, we aren't even able to tell what happens after death. Hence the rise of superstition, faith and religion.

By philosophy, we can tell that Time-machines will never exist. For the human race would be wiped out prior to its invention. It can be the only reason why it was never invented; simply because if it were, the very essence of time itself would unfold, and the universe as we know it, will cease to be.

Why? Time's Paradox. If one did not exist before a certain period of time, is it even possible for that person to get back into that period of time with no change? Even the machine itself is an impossibility; the machine would not have existed in the past, hence it is unable to travel back into the future for it would not exist!

Jumping to the future would be pointless as well, for the future is ever-changing, based on the individual's every decision. It is these decisions, that when they become collective, changes the world's future to whatever it is destined to be.


This is an extraordinary decade. We have experience 01/01/01, 02/02/02 and all its counterparts, and will continue to do so until 12/12/12. Perhaps it is a coincidence that the rumors of 2012 floats around. But thinking about it: doesn't it looks awfully like a countdown (except this is a count-up!) sequence to you?

The other set of numbers we have would be 20/01/2001, 20/02/2002 up to 20/12/2012.
As again, it ends @ 2012. The "destined" date for the end of the world as predicted by the Mayan Calendar was 21/12/2012.

And here we have, the ending sequential date being 20/12/2012.

Exactly ONE day before the destined date. It's so coincidental that it's starting to get spooky.

Believe it or not.

It's up to you.

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