Saturday, October 09, 2010

Pent Up

Yeah yeah. Emo posts, one after another.

I need to get it off my chest. Can't find another outlet, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna snap if I didn't do something about it.

Too much crap going on at the moment, plus the accumulated shit from before.

I've always been the listening ear, but yet, who's MY listening ear? Everyone I know are either busy, don't care, don't understand or simply doesn't bother.

Yes, I'm always the one who's still standing despite all the setbacks.
Yes, I'm always the pillar of strength that you guys can lean on.

But who's there for me when I need a moment of respite?

It hurts sometimes to know that despite all the people around me, I'm truly alone in the world. Sometimes I wonder how I carry on without something to believe in. Perhaps that's why my brother converted and became a believer after 34 years of atheism. Simply because the path is just too much to bear.

The human mind is simply too fragile.

23 years and counting. I'm still searching for you. Where are you? I need you..

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